Holy Thursday or Maundy Thursday is an important day of the Passion Week, that of Denia Mare (evening service during passion week). It is also called Black Thursday or Passion Thursday. It reminds us of how the Savior washed the disciples’ feet, urging them to humility. Also on Holy Thursday, the eggs are painted red, and on Holy Saturday Easter and cake will be prepared.
Holy Thursday commemorates the washing of the disciples’ feet by Jesus and the Last Supper of Jesus Christ with his Apostles.
To mark this holiday, we present an icon from the project’s innovative exhibition, with the theme The Last Supper. The icon is dated to the beginning of the 20th century, it belongs to the Laz icon centre, author Ilie II Poienaru. As a technique and materials, the outline is drawn with ink on the back of the glass (thin, irregular glass, made by hand) with a pen or brush, following a model. The painting of the surfaces was done with tempera. Gold foil was applied. The resinous frame is profiled, sculpted with a twisted belt. In size, the icon is 46 cm x 41.4 cm.
The exhibition is organized within the project Innovative techniques in cultural heritage valorisation. Icons from the Sebeș Valley from the collection of the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography, a project implemented by the Transylvanian Museum of Ethnography as a promoter, in partnership with the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca and the Norwegian association NUDA AS, funded by the EEA Grants 2014-2021, within the RO -CULTURE Programme.
The icon can be admired within the mentioned exhibition, at the museum’s headquarters, Reduta Palace, Memorandum Street no. 21, Cluj-Napoca.